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What our customers say..

Thorn Tandem

Andy and Lynn Skelton

Dear Dave,

We are at journey's end. We have reached Constanta on the Black Sea in Romania. We have cycled 1667 miles, slept in 41 different places, travelled through nine countries and used seven currencies. We have fallen off twice and had three punctures!

The tandem was flawless and we were grateful for your emailed advice.

Thanks again for great service.

Best wishes

Andy and Lynn Skelton

September 2015

Thorn Raven

Andrew Lee

Hi Sarah , thanks for getting in touch. My new Raven arrived last night and I spent a couple of hours this morning setting it all up. I'm now 20 miles into my first cycle on it and it's absolutely fabulous ! The build quality and finish are second to none and it handles beautifully, I couldn't have asked for more. Thanks again to you and the team at Thorn for sorting everything out for me and pointing me in the direction of the Raven, it fits my requirement perfectly and I look forward to many years of touring on it. 

Kind regards 


Andrew Lee September 2015

Thorn Raven Twin Tandem

Huseyin and Funda Celibi

Hi all, we got the bike a couple of days ago and tried it out yesterday. 

I put a multitool in my pocket and we went out for an "adjustment" tour. Amazingly we finished the tour without touching any bolts or whatsoever. It was built and adjusted to the millimeter. We are very comfortable and engaged on the bike. I can feel it will be an extension of our bodies in upcoming years. 

All I can say about the build is this bike is a confidence booster, and pretty cool to ride as well. Kind of a black war horse :) 

Keep up the excellent work, thanks for your business. 

Huseyin & Funda September 2015

Thorn Raven Adventure

Bob and Sue Ashman Derby

I thought we should let you know about our new blue Thorn Raven Adventure.
It arrived safely on August 6th, carefully packed and beautifully prepared.

Our initial wobbly ventures were soon transformed into exciting journeys -maybe not expeditions - but definitely longer trips than I had thought we would be capable of in the first stages of this new venture! We have found the Adventure to be a particularly stable platform, and very forgiving. It has definitely helped our confidence to grow. My wife, Sue, who is Visually Impaired, has really enjoyed the ease with which she has become a cyclist again. The Rohloff took a little while to get used to - the gear changes were much more precise than I had bargained for! We're now getting used to it, and particularly appreciate the ability to change gear while standing still. Yes, there is a running noise in the lowest gears, but nothing like I had feared after reading some reviews; and the range of gears has seen us going up hills that it was probably better Sue didn't see before we attempted them!

We're now looking forward to more, and longer trips and would definitely recommend this tandem to others. Thankyou for the time taken to get the specification right, and for the polite efficiency of your service.



Hi, may I say how totally delighted I am with my beautiful bicycle! It really is every thing I had hoped it would be. Thank you very much for your friendliness, efficiency and speed of delivery! Many thanks, Hugh

Club Tour

Mary Waugh

Just a quick note to say thanks for suggesting the Club Tour bike. IT IS FABULOUS and I did the coast to coast at the weekend and am proud to say I got up Hartside, so that shows a great improvement on last year. The frame size is exactly right and I have no aches or pains only a couple of grazed knees as I haven't quite mastered the quick release of my cleats yet. Once again many thanks

Thorn Raven Sport Tour

Glen Burmeister

Hi. Guinness World Records have recently updated their website and included my record breaking ride from north to south and west to east across the United States. I thought you'd be interested to check out the link below which shows a picture of me with my Thorn Raven Sport Tour; the bike used for my ride. This was the second of three record breaking rides I have completed on the same bike. My first was for the 'Fastest cycle across Europe (North Cape to Tarifa) which earned a place in the 2003 edition of Guinness World records and last year I set a record for 'Most countries visited by bicycle in 7 days' which will be in the new book out next week.

Click here for the Guinness World Record


Thorn Mercury

Pradeep Madhavan

Dear All at Thorn Cycles, It has been my pleasure to become the proud owner of a new Thorn Mercury bicycle with Rohloff hub gears. I bought the cycle approximately 6 weeks ago and after the recommended 1000 km of running in I did the John O’Groats to land’s End ride of 1014 miles on it, unsupported with a pannier and bar bag. It is a beautiful machine and functioned absolutely perfectly from day 1. I had no mechanicals and the ride was very comfortable. Steve did a fab job at recommending what I would need and advising me on the gear ratios when I ordered the bike. It has so far, been worth every penny. Thank you for an excellent product and good service.

Pradeep Madhavan

Consultant Spinal Surgeon

Thorn Audax 853

Jan Lindström

For a someone with a long torso and short legs, the long frame has an adequately long cock pit. The shallow seat tube angle (compared to racing bikes of today) moves the center of gravity forward which is good for loaded touring with a carradice saddle bag - no wheelies in even the steepest alpine ascents.

The bike is not super-light but a huge improvement over my previous touring bike and traversing all famous alpine passes I can confidently say that I wasn't held back by it. The tight clearance of the fenders stops the spray very well and the fenders are mounted so well that there's absolutely no annoying rattle on even the roughest roads.

I do all my errands and training rides and commute on the Thorn Audax 853 and it's the closest to a perfect all-rounder I've ever had.

Thorn Nomad

Mr. R, from USA

I bought a Thorn Nomad about two months ago and have to tell you that it may be the best bike I have ever owned, and I have owned many bikes in my life.

It is simply superb in all that it does (from geometry, load carrying, braze-ons, etc); AND it's cost is remarkably low (even with shipping here to Pennsylvania in the USA); AND it is beautiful (and I ride and race a Hetchins which is my "other bike"!) I’ll tell all my friends about my Thorn, and I plan to buy ANOTHER Nomad for my wife in the spring. Affer all, it will only take ten days for it to get here (not to mention every time I had an email question about the frame I was sent a rapid reply)!

Thorn Nomad

Paul McHugh

Dear Team


I would like to say a big thank you for our bikes they are absolutely perfect And ride even better loaded up.


We are currently in Aigurs-Mortars in France after cycling from Pisa and our bikes get constant attention for tourists who are always asking questions about their gears electrics and so on.


If you need an ambassador for the Thorn Nomads please let me know I am available.


Paul McHugh